What happens last month | coincidence or incidence | weekend at the movies | freakinnutshell
Hi there how its going? Long time, I know right? before we are going any further I just want you to know that lot of things happens last month, they kept me busy in meanwhile I'd done lot of things like travel, reunion, and usual. Any further due let get stared. What happens last month You know when you're without any expectation you help and that person gave you that blessing-woh, what a feeling that was! never went down form that feeling like an hour. Anyway when I was reaching my apartment and on bs stop,when bus stoped peope getting into a bus there were few people and an old lady, she is also trying to but it was hard for her to lift up (I was in the bus on te second step turn around and), without any hesitation, didnt wait a second and went down grab her arm and help to get in. and she looked at me smile and said ' thank you', 'welcome' I whispered. after this I want to tell you guys this story long back but it couldn't happend. afte...