
Showing posts from April 7, 2019

Im back | Rewind, good thoughts | Freak In Nutshell

Hello guys, I know its been really long time I didn't even posted anything on this blog... but Ill promise you guys from now on Ill try to post regularly......... There point where my friends and family need me and I stand by that so here is lesson for you if your someone is in trouble you have to stand with them no matter how hard it is? anyhoo there are some point while im reading and studying, preparing for exam are... discovery :act of finding something that has always existed but not known earlier innovation : device constructed by putting two or more things together in new way now some good thoughts from me..... there are some point where you need to interact with the your future whether it is failure or whether it is success, you always have to remember these day will be gone. that its for today folks  we will meet you soon. see ya bye..